Dinosaurs and Noahs Ark

So the question came to my mind a few weeks ago, I don't know why, but I wondered why God didn't put dinosaurs on the ark. I figured if he did wouldn't they be here today maybe? The thing that is really confusing is the fact that the world can corrupt our minds and school. So I turned to my friend Joey Weaver a theology student at Southeastern Theological Seminary and Tony Wing a graduate of Liberty University. Together they gave me a pretty good answer. He answered the question first with, "who says he didn't? It could be that they were on the ark and after the flood were not able to survive after wards because of the climate change. Or if they were on the ark, they could have been the baby dinos. Pretty interesting I thought. If you'd like more information about Noah and the ark click on the link below it will offer you further information. http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/2000/04/03/dinosaurs-on-noahs-ark