The Tools of Our Trade Book & Bible Study

How do we reconcile with, and impact a culture and generation who is dying to live and be loved, especially if cheap grace is the going rate? We can no longer manipulate and market the Gospel as “cheap.” We can no longer lean on the preacher or those “better” church people. Our lives need to have a truth encounter; our heart and mouth must cry out to God in sorrow for not standing firm in what we believe. For sitting back and allowing Satan to take our kids out. The ministry of reconciliation is when what we proclaim with our mouths through evangelism is validated by how we live our life.


The Tools of Our Trade: The Heart of God's Way that leads to Repentance
The Bible Study
Our way is always rebellion, God's way is always our repentance from our way. In this study we will look at, and contrast our way and God's way. This is a study, and work of repentance in knowing God's heart, and using the gifts He has given to walk in His way.

Part One: I Bow Low...The Gift of Righteousness and Peace
Rebellion and Repentance- “we capture their rebellious thoughts, and teach them to obey Christ.”
The rebellion of our way is the pride of self worship that leads to destruction.
The end result of our repentance is a humbleness of worshiping Him that leads to obedience.
This is accomplished by capturing the rebellion of pride and self making it bow and obey God in His way in humbleness. Leading to a life of right living in the redemption of Jesus' blood.

Our Authority in Christ- “having authority given by Christ, we use it to build you up, and not down.”
The only way to capture and overpower an idea is with an even better idea. And the idea in this case is the idea that God made us for Himself. This is what life in Christ has always been about since the beginning. God is in the work of restoring, and redeeming us back to Himself we we fell from Him. Our purpose and structure in life is the truth of:

Tools of Our Trade- “we use God's mighty weapons, not the worlds.”
~Our WORSHIP isn't just for anyone or anything, we were designed to be worshiping creatures. Our worship is for God alone.

~When we SPEAK HIS NAME it is to not be in vain, or in cursing. We speak His name when we are speaking to Him, or of Him. It is the highest name in all the world. To hold it on our tongue is of the utmost honor and privilege.

~Our LOVE is made perfect in Him who loved us first. We do not know love, or how to love until Jesus puts His love in us. He is love. It's more than we could ever know.

~UNIFIED as one, because we are better together, we all belong to each other. We tend to want to unify for a cause, but exclude. Under the cross and body of Christ we become unified and one, bound in love that cannot be broken.

Lessons from the Word- Jonah
Read the Book of Jonah.

Appointed- ordained with a purpose. Produce fruit, but more so, produce fruit with seed!

To proclaim God's wrath, and judgment if Nineveh did not repent.

The whale, weed, and seas obeyed God.

Jonah's pride was that he thought Nineveh deserved to be destroyed. Jonah wanted to stay in his homeland with his people.

We cannot save ourselves. Not by strength, not by getting rid of all the bad stuff in our lives, and not by works.

Salvation is: believing what God says is true, obeying His commandments, this is accomplished through and by repentance.

The Gospel results in the Righteousness and Peace of God.

Repentance- “If my people will humble themselves and pray, seeking my face turning from their ways”


“Now the Word of the Lord came to ____________ saying, 'Arise, and go to_____________, and preach the message I will give you.'”
Will you obey?

Walk it Out- “those who claim to live in Him, must walk as Jesus did.”
In the Light of His Love.
Read Ephesians 5:1-14.

The Key-
Read John 17.

It's all for His glory and name.
Because there is power in His name.

We are sanctified; set-apart by the truth of His Word.
That we would know Him, and be in Him. To be loved by Him.

Though the world hates us, we are full of His joy.
His prayer is for us, not against us.

All of this we believe, and commit to finishing the work He has given.
My repentance is my obedience; using the God-tools of Righteousness and Peace.

Part Two: I Live Above the Sun, The Gift of Salvation and Faith

Rebellion and Repentance- “we capture their rebellious thoughts, and teach them to obey Christ.”
The rebellion of our way is the philosophies of good works that lead to judgment.
The end result of our repentance is the wisdom of commission that leads to assurance.
This is accomplished by capturing the rebellious philosophies and good works structuring it to the wisdom and commission of Jesus. An eternal view that assures Salvation through faith.

Our Authority in Christ- “having authority given by Christ, we use it to build you up, and not down.”
The idea of Kingdom order and rule by King Jesus, who chose us to do His mission in the World. We are called, chosen, and faithful to this mission to bring many to the Kingdom.

The Tools of Our Trade- “we use God's mighty weapons, not the worlds.”
Our MIND and the way we think; obtaining the mind of who we serve

Our HEART and who we love and are loyal to

Our WILL, the wants and desires we entertain.

Lessons From the Word- Joab- 2 Samuel &1 Kings
Loyal but lost.

Joab's actions were not authorized by King David. His actions were to his own glory, and achievement.

We are not saved by loyalty, right belief, or risking our life.

God wants our heart and surrender.

Not to just be a hearer of HIS Word, but be a doer of HIS Word.
This is NOT busyness!
This IS obedience to what He has commanded!

Repentance- “If my people will humble themselves and pray, seeking my face turning from their ways”

Lack of obedience-

Being a “Joab”-

Are you with Jesus?

Walk it Out- “those who claim to live in Him, must walk as Jesus did.”
In Wisdom
Read Ephesians 5:15-21; Proverbs 1-4.

The Key-
His Mission, and Authority
Read Matthew 28:19-22; Daniel 7:13-14

There is one name by which we are saved, Jesus.
Who has been given all authority in Heaven and Earth.

The wisdom is in the Authority of Jesus Christ.
Wisdom is what comes from above, and knowledge is what we gather in our observations surrounding us. Vertical versus horizontal.

His mind is that we would go, make disciples in His authority and sending.
His heart is that he is with us, always, until the end.
His will is that we would baptize, teach what Jesus taught, and obey it!

Though I once doubted, my repentance is in my assurance.
Using the God tools of Salvation and faith.
I believe and surrender myself to His mission.

Part Three: I Stand Firm, The Gift of Truth

Rebellion and Repentance- “we capture their rebellious thoughts, and teach them to obey Christ.”
Destroying the rebellion of manipulation and unfaithfulness to the Truth of God's Word, and to each other. Re-Building lives of authenticity and love, allowing a firm foundation to stand faithfully for God.

Our Authority in Christ- “having authority given by Christ, we use it to build you up, and not down.”
The idea that our individual lives shape another into future generations. in the form of: Our family and our children, our church family, and our Culture. We are used through and by the Spirit to fulfill the work He had planned for us before the World was made.

The Tools of Our Trade- “we use God's mighty weapons, not the worlds.”
God has gifted us with natural characteristics, and abilities. In this we make up the body of the Church in fulfilling our distinct role.
The Bible is the infallible Word of God, it is our sword in which we fight. His Word when it is spoken will not return void.

Lessons from the Word- Esther
Read the book of Esther.

Esther found favor with the King through her natural beauty.

God has a purpose and plan for me that no one else can fulfill, for such a time as this.

In Esther we see Jesus, the advocate who stands in boldness pleading for the life of her people, The Jews.

There is a battle of two kingdoms seen in Mordecai and Haman. Heaven and Hell, Light and Dark, Christ and Satan.

Manipulation, and unfaithfulness leads to a life of no reward, and no blessing.

No weapon formed against me shall prosper. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit.
“for whatever is written in the king's name and sealed with the king's signet ring no one can revoke.” (8:8)

Today we are still reading of Esther's courage to save her people. The Jews still celebrate the feast of Purim to remember their rescuing. See Esther 9:28

Repentance- “If my people will humble themselves and pray, seeking my face turning from their ways”
Where has God placed you for such a time as this? Are you being faithful to it?

Are you content sitting back watching Satan destroy our people? What will you do?

Are you manipulating the of the Word of God? Do you leave certain parts out because you don't think it will go over well?

Are you remaining silent?

Will you teach your children and future generations of the ways of the Lord?
What legacy will you leave?
Walk it Out- “those who claim to live in Him, must walk as Jesus did.”
In Unity
Read Ephesians 4:1-16.

The Key
His Word
Read 2 Timothy 3:10-17; Romans 15:4,8.

2 Timothy 3:16 starts with ALL SCRIPTURE- This verse can be the very crux of the Bible. Passing every scripture through this verse asking the questions:
>What doctrine is being taught?
>What is the correction where I may be wrong?
>What is the challenge? Where do I need more practice, and strengthening?
>What truth is being gained?

By the God breathed scriptures we have persevered, and felt His comfort.
We have hope, because Jesus Christ has ministered to us the truth of God, and has spoken yes and amen to confirm the promises made.

Though manipulation seems to grow more and more, we have been equipped and know His word.

His Word is our completion, and causes us to be faithful.
My faithfulness is my repentance, using the God tool of Truth.

On that day, when Heaven fills my sight, and the presence of Jesus surrounds me, He will look me in the eyes and say: Well done my good and faithful servant, great is your reward.


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