Hupomone -- A Patient Endurance

I can remember the first time I heard this Greek word, Hupomone (noun). (pronounced hoop-om-on-ay') It literally means remaining under the Divine Presence while being tested. I was sitting in the church my dad was pastoring at the time, a rural church in North Carolina. It's been well over 10 years ago. I was sitting on a pew with my friend Sarah, kinda toward the front. I don't remember anything about the sermon that day, just the word Hupomone. Sarah and I looked at each other and giggled like girls do, and Sarah blurted out, "What's humopone?!" My dad, the gracious man he is, answered her interruption. For the next few months Sarah and I would run around randomly saying, "Hupomone!" several times in a row. It really is a fun word to say.

Looking back on it, what a great thing to do. What if there were people running around yelling Greek words at you to remind you, Endure! Endure! Endure! Endure! Endure! People probably thought we were annoying, and lets be honest, we were. As I am into my adult years there has been so much to endure, a new level of circumstances and trials that has taken the stage. When we hit these times in life where we are frustrated and ready to give up, when we most need the reminder to not give up and endure, not get all twisted in emotions and anxiety, just be patient. More so, I have found much comfort that even through weakness and and failure the race is still on! We aren't to the finish line yet! There is still opportunity to keep running as the writer of Hebrews puts it. God looks at those who endure. The Hall of Faith (also in Hebrews) points to people who fell of track, and got distracted, but they were constant in coming back to God. It is our "holding fast" that is acceptable service to God.

Yesterday, I read this article about the pastor that was imprisoned in Turkey for his Christian faith. I was very moved by that article, but at the same time disturbed of the possibilities that we are not ready for what is coming against our faith in Jesus. 30 times in the New Testament from Romans to Revelation alone we are encouraged by this word hupomone. Most of those verses are in the context of suffering. It's already here in America against those of us who truly claim Jesus Christ. We are censored from social media, social media has bewitched us with false doctrines and teachings. Churches have conformed to culture to shield from any kind of persecution, even from their own people! We are in a battle. But God's Word is telling us to patiently endure. Don't attack back, don't demand.

There is hope in hupomone. Why else endure if there wasn't hope? We keep running toward Christ until we hear Him say to us, "Well done kid! You finished well! Come on home, lets hang out and drink sweet tea!" -Allison's Version. Until that day we are here, and all we can do in these times is speak prayers that simply say, "Help me, God!" Sometimes we can't even speak at all, and the Spirit Himself intercedes. God bless you as you seek Him, may you fix your eyes above the sun to His Kingdom and keep running!


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