The Protestant Reformation

Martin Luther has stood as a hero in the eyes of many Protestants over the centuries. His works and words have been carefully studied and shown to be a beacon of direction and foundational truths to the believer. He was a man who stood by his convictions, and in doing so is still impacting the world today. As Luther observed the corruptions within the church, it lead him to write 95 theses based out of the book of Romans addressing the corruptions in which he observed, and things the church was doing that was not in the Bible. Immediately the Protestant Reformation impacted the entire world as they knew it. As Luther was called time and again to recant his writings and teachings, he stood by what he believed. As a result he was excommunicated from the Catholic Church, and sent into exile with the permission from the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V to kill Luther without consequence. The events leading up to Luther’s unction to write The 95 Theses was mainly church corruption am...