Benefits of Memorization and Recitation of Scripture

Have you ever been in a stressful situation and the only thing that got you through was prayer and scripture? I heard of a English Professor who assigned students in a master of fine arts program to memorize 30 lines of traditional poetry a week. The professor said He was doing them a favor by "giving them an internal library to draw on when taken political prisoner." A poet by the name of Richard Wilbur once said, "If one is delayed in a bus terminal, or sitting in a foxhole, it's wonderful to have an inner anthology to say over, yet again, in one's mind." What if we applied this same theology to scripture? As much as I love poetry, it doesn't have the power that scripture has. Scripture is God whispering in our ear, it is the heart of God revealed, it is a conversation with God. It's wonderful to have an inner library hidden in our heart for such times as waiting in a waiting room, a doctors office, or walking the dog. It's one thing ...