What Must I Do? Part 4: The Work of Believing
"Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent." -John 6:37 The book of John is my favorite Gospel. It's deeply theological, and one of the main themes is believing. The word believe is used close to 88 times. The Greek word for believe is pisteuo , and means to put ones faith in; to trust. This is our fourth and final part in this series of looking at the question, "What must I do?" Our passage today comes from John 6:22-58, and again I ask you to read this passage completely before reading on in this post. I want to express to you from my heart how excited I am about this post. I was up one morning till three o'clock pouring over this scripture and rejoicing in what God revealed to me in it. It was such an intimate time with Him, and it was one of those night's where I'm writing with one hand and the other up in the air praising Him. Oh my. My heart leaps and is so overwhelmed for ...