I Want to be Like My Rabbi Jesus, and REST!

If I want to follow Jesus, then I must learn to rest. I think todays generation of Christ followers have the wrong definition of what it means to follow Christ, in more ways than one I might add. I too have wrong definitions. I'm thankful for Jesus who is my Rabbi and teaches me and changes definitions. We want to be "successful" Christians with big growing churches, a people who serve till we drop, we pour over articles of "how to's" and what we're doing wrong in church so that maybe somehow, someway, someday be better and maybe get a standing ovation from Jesus and the Angels. It's exhausting. This at least is how I live my walk and "following" of Christ at times. But this isn't following the Rabbi at all, but following ourselves and what culture is saying we must do. In our world of fast, and I want it all and now, it has certainly shaped how we live our lives following Christ. There is one word this generation doesn...