
Showing posts from July, 2014

Thy Kingdom Come

Our perspective in life effects how we live. This has been the journey God has had me on since He radically got ahold of my life just 2 years ago. I found Jesus in the book of Ecclesiastes, and ever since that time I have been seeking to live my life with my gaze fixed to Heaven. To live for Heaven, and not Earthly things, to inherit the Kingdom, giving up all fleshly desires. Simply coming to my Father, as a child, and allowing Him to fill in all the brokenness in my life, so that the simple I bring Him becomes miracle. To know Him as the "yes, and Amen" and power in my life when I empty myself of everything I think I have. Creation wouldn't astound me as much should I not know it's Creator, but I do, and when I thank My Creator, the One who gave me life, I enjoy the frailties of this Earth. I thank Him, and He gives. It is the divine and special revelation of Christ that rings throughout this land; this Earth He formed. It was God who gave law, and morality...

Taking the Next Step

A couple of weeks ago I celebrated my one year anniversary being Portland. It was really special because my missions pastor happened to fly into town that same week and we spent an hour or two together on the lawn of my job sharing and talking about the past year here. It was so amazing to sit there with him full circle one year later. Portland has been tough for me. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to leave. Obviously from my last VERY transparent post you can tell things aren't so glamorous here. But, the lessons and the blessings, and triumphs have so outweighed the hardships and fails. What a journey it has been. My life is richer having lived life along side a few special friends, who have become my family over this last year. I'm thankful to have been loved through ugly times, and encouraged and strengthened by words of correction, and direction. I'm constantly asking God, "What's next?" My ears stay attuned to His voice,...