In the Right Spot

Recently, Samaritans Purse wanted to hire me for the season in getting Christmas boxes sorted through and ready to ship all around the world. When I interviewed initially, on the phone...I may or may not have had pants on...I was overwhelmed that God would give me the opportunity to work for such an influential and world changing organization. I had applied there for several jobs over the summer, and even drove up to Boone to tour the headquarters. I prayed and prayed God would give it to me!! Since this summer, God has done an incredible work in my life, things I never saw coming for my life. In fact checking Facebook today, this was my status today a year ago: I've been in a funky place for a while in life. Sometimes it shows through and I get it out through nervous energy, or through infatuation with death, and wishing God would please just take me. I thought for a while it was just lack of sunshine, but I found myself tonight still just not feeling life. As I drove home I ...