Love Anyway

"This is how we have come to know love: He laid down His life for us. We should also lay down our lives for our brothers." -1 John 3:16 When I was 19 years old I asked God to fill me with His love so I could love like He did. It soon became a song and in the lyric that left my heart I went on to ask Him for His grace too so I could love like Him more. I didn't know the cost... Love isn't a warm fuzzy feeling I've come to learn. It's not wrapped in sheets. It's not wrapped in arms, though it is an expression. I've found that love is uncomfortable. You're exposed; your guard is down. You risk everything, even your life. There is a certain pain when people don't love you back the way you love them. Some people interpret love differently, some feel it certain ways. In my case I feel loved when people spend time with me, and in touch. Others feel loved through words, or through gifts. Whatever the avenue there is a cost to loving pe...