Breaking the Silence: Jesus at the Center

Hello my blog readers. I've been pretty quiet the past couple of years. Not such a great blogger huh? But I did write 2 books and a Bible Study in that time span. I needed to step away for a length of time and process my life as a committed Christ Follower. God has certainly tested my faith, and keeps bringing me through. He has stripped me of most everything I held dear in life. Friends, family, church,'s been really hard...and hard really isn't a great word to do justice to being stripped by God. Where I have found myself these past few years is re-evaluating who I am as a child of God. What does that mean? I've been stretched in my thought processes. If I can admit something to you...this missionary struggles with evangelicalism...and am "recovering" in a sense. You can go ahead and think I've lost Jesus, start the prayer chain, otherwise known as Gossip, sister Allison is going down the wrong path. I'm a burnt out, single chur...