Bold as a Lion: Living a Righteous Life

"The wicked are edgy with guilt, ready to run off even when no one’s after them; Honest people are relaxed and confident, bold as lions." Conscience is that thing that feels bad when everything else feels good. The guilt condemns you. Paul addresses law and conscience in his letter to the Romans, see especially chapters 1 & 2. The Law- the truth - God is hard wired into our brain, God made us that way. But some of us keep running, and try to numb it all out when our conscience tells on us. Alcohol, cutting, denial, hiding in a cave (just a few of my personal choices). We just can't seem to get away from it no matter what we try. There is a correlation between wickedness and fear on the one hand, and righteousness and courage on the other hand. And the gospel is a message about how wicked people can get right with God through Jesus Christ so that they have a righteousness that makes them as bold as a lion. How do we get there? There is a law; a truth; a Wor...