Building a Hymnbook in Our Head

Late last night I was reading through Deuteronomy in the Bible. I would say if there is one book to really zero in on to learn how to live a successful, disciplined, and structured life, it’s Deuteronomy. A common theme and phrase repeated over and over throughout the book is “…teach this to your children and grandchildren…” We tend to take grace today, and toss the rest of it out the window! Jesus’ death fulfilled Levitical law of sacrifice, but His death didn’t nullify the Old Testament or the outline for living right and the things that God directly said, "pass this down generation after generation." God has always just wanted obedience more than sacrifice. Moreover, all the New Testament points back and references the Old Testament. Paul’s words are nothing new on the block. His messages in the Pauline letters can be traced back to ideas Moses said….it all came from GOD, the inspiration to scripture. Jesus Himself confesses He was the Word from the beginning. A section of...