He is Risen! Risen Indeed!

...and as He stands in victory, sin's curse has lost its grip on me! For I am His, and He is mine, bought with the precious blood of Christ!" At Jesus' death on the cross, the nights He was buried in the grave, to His resurrection and "missing" body, the disciples were full of fear! Two and Two were not going together making four in their head. As they confessed out of their mouth unknowingly to Jesus on the road to Emmaus "We had hoped He would be the one to redeem Israel!" The women had this tall tale about angels, and an empty tomb, and it was making sense for them. The men were locked inside their home afraid of what would happen to them. Then Jesus appeared among them and said, "Peace be with you, and to you." This was a frequent phrase Jesus used in His ministry. In the silence of the days after Jesus died don’t you know his followers were reflecting on all Jesus had said and spoken. Reflecting on the scripture He had taught th...