E-mails I don't understand

You know what kind of e-mails I hate to get? I'm not hot about Forwards but there are some good ones out there. But what I really can't stand is at the end when it tells me if I don't forward it to my friends I have denied God. I know I have not denied God for not sending that forward. Some really believe if they send that forward God is going to be pleased and he may be, but then our next e-mail is full of crude humor and half dressed people and we find it funny. Do you think he would laugh at that? Things like that are not acceptable to God. I have been guilty of reading and sending those crude e-mails.

When I came off my mission trip to Detroit Michigan, I was in a such a holy state, and on such a high that I could not tolerate a lot of things. I got a little taste of how God feels about things going down here on earth. I couldn't watch TV, I couldn't watch movies, listen to secular radio stations.

I don't want people to get the message that I'm a boring person who only talks about God all the time and hit's you with the Bible. You can still be cool and love the Lord, I like to go see movies, and all that but I also know that Jesus lives in me and what I read he reads, where I go he goes, what I hear he hears.

I guess ask yourself when do I really deny Christ? For not simply forwarding an e-mail, or in our actions?


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