I'm with the band

Below you'll notice a slideshow of pictures. When I lived in Burgaw North Carolina, I played in a band that traveled North Carolina mostly. We were named Work In Progress, based on the verse found in the Bible Philippians 1:6, "And I am sure that God who began a good work within you will surely finish his work on the day when he returns to take us home." Our lives are constantly a work in progress, every day God keeps working in us making us more like him, and all he created us to be.

We had a bass player John Wells, Nathan Baker and Dave Eakins on Drums, Brittney Hardison on the Keyboard, Candi Simmons on vocals, Amber Wells on vocals, Sarah Dail on Electric guitar, and I was Electric and acoustic guitar, as well as lead singer. We mostly played in our church Mt. Holly Baptist. Along with music we did drama, I loved the drama part, I tend to be a little wide open sometimes so getting to act with me already an act in it's self was fun.

We had many opportunities to play at festivals, and the beach, churches, childrens home...God used us to reach many lost souls for him. I think my most favorite concert we did was at the beach, I have a few pictures of that day in the slide show, we were at Topsail Island for 4th of July...it was hot, hot, hot!!! I loved every minute of it though!

Sharing God's love and mercy through music has been a joy to do. Serving him brings much reward and I would go to the ends of the earth to serve my savior. I am so thankful for the change God has made in my life, so thankful for his forgivness, and so thankful for the people he placed in my life along the narrow road. Keep seeking the Lord and strive to serve him.


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