My Dog Millie

This is my dog Millie. She is the most sweetest dog and friend ever. We adopted Millie from the pound 7 years ago, she was very sick and I fell in love with her instantly. I loved her back to health and she has made me very happy.

Millie is very smart. Her favorite thing to do is play football. My brother and I will get down in the hiking position and she'll bark 3 times then twice as if to say "hut, hut" then she catches the ball and goes for the touchdown! She is so funny. She has also learned what a McDonald's bag looks like and that there is possibly some food in there for her. She is spoiled rotten.

She is as big as she will get, she is half beagle half lab, so she likes to sniff around and find things mostly food or an animal. Sometimes I'll hide her toys from her and I'll tell you to sniff it out, and sure enough a few minutes later here she comes with her toys.

I couldn't ask for a better dog, she is a blessing.


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