The Panthers are playing today!! Whoo HOO!!!! Go Panthers!!

We use to watch the Panthers all the time when we lived in Charlotte 10 years ago, then there for a while they forgot how to play...and we quit watching them. Last season they didn't do too well, if the Panthers fail me I'll go for the New England Patriots. Which is who I was pulling for in the Superbowl last season.

I've got a friend at the game today, that must be really exciting. I've not been to many football games in my life. I did go one year to Chapel Hill and watch UNC and Duke play each other, that was fun, it was hot though. I don't like to be hot, I can stand it, I just don't like it.

Sunday is my favorite day of the week, church happens number 1, and football in the football season, and basketball in the basketball season.

This morning I woke up so confused, of course that's pretty normal for me, I slept in today and when I got up to take a shower I lost all sense of what time church started and what time I had to be there, it's terrible to be confused and rushed. I was "frazzled" as my brother puts it...I like to be early for things so I know I'm there on time and don't have to worry about being late or anything. Not the case this morning. I had 15 minutes to dry my hair, brush my teeth, get my stuff together, get in the car and out of my neighborhood to church. That's what I call crunch time.

Anyway, I blab on and on, I love having a blog to just write whatever and whether anyone reads it or not, I've written it, and it's out there.

Happy Sunday, enjoy it! Drink Responsibly if you are drinking, better yet just don't drink at all, you don't need beer to enjoy a game. You need Bojangles Tea, and a chicken leg.


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