Graduation Class of 2008!!

This month I graduated October 10 2008 is the official date!! YAY, go me. In my high school years of homeschooling, difficult situations have come up and times when I just had to take a break and recollect myself. But I finished. I didn't give up.

My family in Tennessee held a graduation party for me this past Saturday, October 11. My Aunt Anna works at a company that had a place where just employees can go with there families on Bays Mountain, so she reserved a shelter for us and we partied! We we're celebrating a few different things that day. My cousin Ben, we are tight by the way, but Ben is leaving for the Marine Corps this weekend, and we were giving him a going away party! I will miss him sooooooo much, he won't be able to come home for Thanksgiving that will be sad for our Family. We were also celebrating my mom's birthday which was October 11, I won't say how old she turned because for one I don't remember and two she might kill me. Another year of my mom, that's cool! Then we were celebrating me. Since I was homeschooled, I knew I wasn't going to be able to walk across a stage a receive my diploma or have a cap and gown to wear, or even hear the walk music whatever you call it. But low and behold never question what my Aunt has up her sleeve. She had the whole 9 yards man!! Cap and gown and the music. I've never liked to have a lot of attention put on me, and I was a little embarrassed, but it was fun and special to have it. My family sat there cheering me on as I did my little walk and I felt so encouraged and loved. Like I had made a big accomplishment, and I had it felt good to be recognized.

We had good eating that day. Oh my gosh!! We left for Tennessee Thursday and between Thursday and Saturday we had 3 cakes. I'm sick of cake now. I was craving it, but in October alone, I've had 7 cakes at least it's a wonder I've not gained 20 pounds. Lord have mercy. But the food Saturday was fantastic. My Aunt Anna got a good east Tennessee ham, some fresh green beans, grandmama did some baked beans. We had an abundance of food, it was sooooooooooo good. YUM!!! I like food.

So I'm graduated. Thank the Lord, one step behind and many to go. Great things are ahead!


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