Singing in Wake Forest

I had the opportunity to go with my choir this past Tuesday October 14th to sing at the Real Evangelism Conference at the Southeastern Theological Seminary in Wake Forest North Carolina. My dad attended there from the years of 1998-2001. So it was kinda like a homecoming for me a little. I've moved around so much I'm not really from anywhere.

We have a fantastic Choir Director, Phil Chaney, he is a blessing in each of the members lives. We sang a great line up of songs, had a wonderful performance, and a great audience. I loved it, had a wonderful time. We sang in Binkley Chapel, a place I always dreamed of singing in, like on stage and low and behold 7 years later I was up on stage performing!! We heard 2 wonderful speakers, I was just expecting one sermon, but I was okay with two, I don't know if I could have handled three though, that's a lot of information to process and take in. WOW!! Junior Hill and Jerry Vines spoke the evening we were there, they had some really good things to say I was really pleased and encouraged.

We left our Church about 12:30 in the afternoon, it was a rough ride there, I'll tell you what we were tossed around quite a bit. We had a good bus driver and I was travel buddies with my friend Koral, we made sure one of us didn't get left behind on a stop or whatever, just looking out for each other.

We got back to the church about 1:30AM, quite a trip for one day, we were all so tired. A few slept, I was to keyed up to, and I've never slept much on a bus, I have to be feeling pretty bad or out of it to sleep I have always loved to see the action. So our next trip will be in a couple of weeks, we will be traveling to Colombia South Carolina for a Pastors Conference, hopefully I'll get to snap a few pics on that trip.


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