And The Next President of The United States is......

Well, no doubt I personally am dissapointed that Barack Obama won. I was really hoping John McCain and Sarah Palin could pull it off. But deep inside of me I knew Obama would win. The problem with Obama though is he is nothing but a "rockstar" he has never really made sense his whole campaign and has done nothing more that portray himself as a Messiah. I believe John McCain and Sarah Palin could have Changed America. But America has become an ignorant nation. We have become a nation that has totally done away with Jesus and the morals that this great country was built on. We put Jesus out of our schools, we tried to put Him out of our pledge to the American flag. I believe myself that God has given America what it has asked for and deserves. We took God out of this great country he has blessed so richly, and he is paying America back. But we cannot loose hope! Our hope is in Jesus, the one who has overcome the world. Brothers and Sisters in Christ we serve a resurrected Savior one who will never fail us. No doubt we are disappointed and scared for our country. But we are God's children, and he will shield and protect us. America has to turn from their wicked ways and repent and call in the name of Jesus before He can heal our land. We as Christians must Go Forth in Jesus name and keep praising him and never cease to pray for our country we were so fortunate to be born in. We must pray for Barack Obama as he tries to lead this great nation that he will acknowledge who the one true creator of life is, and will be wise in his decision making.

God Bless America! Never loose hope, never quit fighting for what is right. Never quit never give up!


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