Day after Thanksgiving

The day after Thanksgiving.
Can you believe My Aunt Anna, Aunt Linda, my cousin Laura, and myself got up and went shopping? What were we thinking, what's wrong with us? We got some door buster deals. I got up at 5:00 and they came and picked me up at 6:15.
We started at Michael's, then went to Koals, the line was horrendous in there and we just left. We had good luck in Old Navy, I found a few things in there for church. My Aunt Linda is so good to me, all my family takes care of me. I'm glad...I'll return the favor someday, I'll take care of them in their old age. They're still young. We went one other place I don't remember the name, there was a bunch of make-up in there and shampoo and conditioner, and hair stuff. Then we went to Mickydees and ate some breakfast.
Then Grandmama put us to work...I'm happy to help my Grandmama in anyway I can. We raked leaves thats an endless job. We got the majority of it done.
Then I crashed and slept for a few hours.


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