Singing in Columbia

So our choir took another trip this fall to Columbia South Carolina, remember last time we went to Wake Forest. We sang at a Pastors Conference hosted by Trinity Baptist Church on the outskirts of Columbia in Cayce, SC. Columbia isn't that far from Charlotte, only a 2 hour drive. For some reason though it was more exhausting. We all crammed on one bus that was not fun for me because I like my space and I guess more than anything I was disappointed I didn't get to sit with my friend...but it's okay I need to learn to like people and get to know others. I just hate to keep telling my story and about gets old.
The service on the other hand was amazing. I loved seeing all the pastors faces light up with encouragement and inspiration. I still get inspired listening to ourselves. I wasn't as excited as I was at Wake Forest for some reason I was really sleepy and my allergies and sinuses were messed up. The preaching wasn't as memorable for me as Wake Forest was. I didn't feel challenged enough or something I don't know. We heard some good southern preaching though, the last one was a screamer! I didn't go to sleep hearing him preach. You didn't know what was going to leave his mouth next, he was most insulting of deacons. But I guess they need some picking've gotta watch those deacons now. They're sneaky little things. Don't I know.
I wish I could have snapped some pictures to post, but we are busy and on a time schedule on these trips and I just couldn't do it. Plus my camera is busted where you can't see the picture you took. My brother decided to drop it at Bays Mountain in Kingsport Tennessee. Oh well. At least it still takes pictures.
I'm looking forward to more road trips. I love it! It makes for a long day of course, but when I'm singing music time doesn't matter, nor does it to my audience of one. Ya'll keep praising God!


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