Thanksgiving....Gobble, Gobble!!

I do hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving week, full of special memories with family and friends. We here in Kingsport Tennessee party hard. Had a wonderful time with each other. Actually all week I've been sick, fighting allergies and sinuses for one and Monday I was throwing up...nice I know sorry for the details. That's bad to have before Thanksgiving of all times. My Aunt was also sick this week so we kinda took it east on the eating tried to not do to much damage, it's hard to say to no to good food!!
We had about 22 people at my Grandmamas. We were pretty tight in this house but I love it. I love to be close to my family and those I love and just feel the love. It's chaotic around here sort of all the women tend to all try to fit in the kitchen, and all the men are either outside throwing football or watching it. We have a normal menu we do every year...have it down to a science. Of course we eat Turkey, a good ole' Tennessee ham, squash and zucinni cassarole, apple cranberry dish (it's a side dish, not dessert here in east TN) Sweet Potato Cassarole, mashed potatoes, gravy, fresh green beans, stuffin', yeast rolls. Dessert is the best part. We didn't all we normally have this year cause my Aunt was sick and she makes a good Brown Sugar Pie, and Pecan Pie, MMMMMmmmmmMMMM. So this year we had Pumpkin Pie, 5 flavor pound cake, and I guess that was, we normally have more desserts than we know what to do with.
This year we had a Thanksgiving Quiz I didn't do to well. I wasn't expecting a quiz. My family is full of teachers I should know something like that will pop up like that. We had multiple choice that was good. We had questions like "What year did Thanksgiving originate?" "How many feathers does a Turkey have?" I missed 14. Anyway.
I love Thanksgiving.


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