An Indian Trail Christmas 2008

Here are a few pictures of our Christmas production at church, December 11-14 2008, we had 7 performances to do!! I loved every minute of it. I have missed doing it this week. In complete honesty. IF you missed it this year mark your calender for next year, it's something you don't want to miss. I know we get really busy this time of year, it's easy to do. Our theme this year for Christmas was "A Brand New Christmas". Sometimes we get caught up in what really doesn't matter. What really matters is a little baby being born in an manger, the hope of all nations. He was born so we could live forever cool thought huh? I wish some of you reading this blog could have a pastor like my pastor, I am so thankful for my pastor. God has been gracious to us in every aspect of life, whether we have little or a lot, if you belong to Jesus you have more than the richest person could ever own. I'm thankful Jesus is mine!

Merry Christmas!


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