No sleep

Good Morning my music groupies. It's 1:20 AM. I've not slept in 5 days, at least had a good nights sleep I've maybe caught a cat nap. It's catching up with me. I need SLEEP! I keep thinking maybe a song will come out of all this unsleepedness, but so far I've just been up all night listening to my stomach growl and watch TV and read.

I started my medical keyboarding class today, right now I can type about 55 WPM the min. requirement is 35 WPM, however, my accuracy isn't so good, and a lot of it has to do with my spelling. So I guess this class will do more than just exercise my typing skills, it will challenge my spelling and English skills. Pretty cool! Tomorrow night I start my Unit Nurse Secretary course, I'm really excited about it.

Well, I think i'm going to go and raid the kitchen! I am really hungry, I'm not even suppose to be awake to know I'm hungry...thats way they call breakfast, Breakfast, because you are breaking the fast. Most normal people are asleep and are digesting their supper and possiably midnight snack and we go without food for at the least 7-8 hours, hence breaking the fast.

Until next time, keeping it real.


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