Welcome Back Allison Baker!

Yo! It's been a while since I "blogged" last. I need to get back in the habit. I guess now that I have facebook things have kinda changed. I love to write though and express my inner-self not matter how scary or ridiculous my thoughts are. HAHA!

So a lot has been going on. I'm still doing the whole college scene, I love college though it's been an exciting experience. I've met a lot of different people, which is totally awesome.

I teach middle school girls at my church, and I think they are awesome! They are really sweet girls and I am honored to teach them. I'm honored to point them toward the Bible, and to help instill in them truths about Gods word and and how it will help them in their everyday walk with him.

As far as music goes, it's still my hearts desire to be in the ministry some how some way. I've been invited to play at a ladies conference at my church next month, I'm totally excited about that. I'm grateful God has provided that opportunity.

I've been thinking about getting a tattoo, but I've already had a lot of negative feed back on that idea so I don't believe I'll be getting a tattoo. Oh well.

So It's really pouring outside! AAHH!!! I'm really scared of high winds and rain, which is stupid, but thats just the way I am. I feels like a hurricanes a brewin' maybe even a tornado, thats even worse.

Well all for now my groupies, or whoever is reading this, maybe I'll keep it up.
From the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same, the name of the Lord, shall be praised! Peace out!


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