I have had a burden for my age group, and younger kids for several years now. I can relate to the video, and understand it in it's entirety. Right now as a 20 year old I have no desire to be with my age group now (18-23) not only because I'm not being challenged but because more or less I feel like I don't fit in. thats another subject though.
Many times church do think if we offer free doughnuts, and free coffee, or FREE anything it will draw a person in. Sometimes we have to offer more simpler things. Things that are not tangible. Kids don't need more stuff, or crafts to do...they need answers, they WANT answers. I speak from experience in teaching 6-8th grade girls. Also from teaching 1st-6th graders, and 9th-11th graders. Sometimes we just need someone to hear us out, or relate to a problem.
A friend of mine John and I have had the dream and thought of building a youth center in the little town of Burgaw, North Carolina. We have the desire to surround kids with love, and put most kids who are not in a good environment at home, a good environment to come to after school and on Sundays and Wednesdays. To reach those who have never heard about this Jesus who loves them more than anyone or anything could love them!
There is so much I dream to do, and I know it's God putting those dreams in my heart, and I know if He lets me dream them, surely he will help them become reality. I pray one day that this youth center can be built and will be filled with precious children who need love, attention, and the hope to know that Jesus loves them.
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