
So for a while I've been debating on what college to go to. Since I moved to Charlotte all the rage at church is Liberty! Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. For a while I wanted to go. However, there is a college I have wanted to go to since I was 12 or 13. Campbell University in Buies Creek, NC. I've stayed on campus before with camps and stuff, and I dreamed of going there. I've had several friends go to Campbell as well. In addition to going, it has also been my dream to sing or play on the BSU there. I remember Campbell students doing camps that I'd go to, and the BSU being there. So I'm applying to start this fall!!! WOW!!! Pray for me.
In my opinion it's a pretty cool laid back school. I want to study Religion Theology, or something in music. I feel like God is calling me to the ministry field, I hope not alone though, hopefully theres a future someone, (as in husband terms)there that will accompany me to God's work. How cool would that be? Just a thought though, Lord I'm blushing. So anyway.
Campbell is the fighting camels. Thats pretty cool I guess if you like animals that spit in your face. HAHA!


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