Eating Healthier

For a while now I have not been taking good care of myself. From not sleeping at night to not eating well. Many people have told me I need to start taking care of myself better. However, I wouldn't listen and think nothing was wrong...but I knew something was deep inside. For years I have struggled with eating disorders, in the since that I would not eat for days at a time, and when I did eat it was junk.
This past Monday night something finally clicked in me...actually it was more like "I've been sick since November whats the deal?" So I sat down and made a list of things to talk to ask when I went to the Doctors office the next morning. In doing so I made a list of what I had eaten that week, I was amazed to see on paper what I was eating!! I am under the care of a wonderful Family Nurse Practitioner. I really opened up to her Tuesday, and am very glad I did. I realize more than anything that what I eat can affect how I feel.
Also, as a believer in Christ and believing that the Bible is truth, my body is a "temple" a temple in which Jesus dwells and according to scripture I am to take care of it. Thats been a conviction I've had this week as well.
I've eaten better this week as well. More salad, more veggies, and more fruits. Its amazing to compare notes to what I ate last week to what I ate this week.
I hope I can continue to take care of myself better.


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