Health Jesus Style

As I sat in Wendy's eating my Junior Bacon Cheese burger, small fry, and Jr. vanilla frosty I read a very though provoking article in the Biblical Recorder. I don't know if ordinary people get it, or if it's just Baptist preachers. The Biblical Recorder is a news journal of NC Baptists. So anyway.
An article caught my attention. Since I eat alone, I try to bring something to do so I don't look stupid sitting there alone. The title of the article was "Christians have Holy Spirit help to improve health." As I read the article munching on french fries, I thought to myself this is sooo true!!
Two Christian doctors say in this article that "Christians' failure to appropriate the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome addictions of gluttony and sloth are killing the church." We are called to serve Jesus, while here on earth, so when Jesus calls us to GO! We need to be physically able to go. Meaning we need to take care of our bodies by putting the right foods and drinks in it. We need to exercise more too! By the way, I'm preaching to myself more than anything. I know I don't take care of myself as I should. I guess that's why I was so moved by this article. God has called me to ministry, so if I'm going to GO, I need to be in good shape.
The article went on to say that the church is leading the way to killing America, and that "Baptists are the worst offenders." To an extent I can agree with that. Baptists do like to eat...A LOT! Thats how we get people in the door, FOOD! We like to have covered dishes. Now don't get me wrong, I think it's okay to do these things, and fellowship with each other, but we need to learn to portion, and control ourselves.
The article listed four simple principles to improve health.
Do not smoke
Maintain a BMI of 30 or less
Exercise 150 minutes a week (thats almost 3 hours)
Eat five servings of fruits or veggies daily.
Well, I have some work to do. I tend to let myself go during the Winter season, I blame my weight gain on Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Also, I tend to hibernate in the Winter seasons.
I don't know about you, but I'm going to try to do health, "Jesus Style." Hope you will join me in taking better care of "the temple."
Here are the links to the article I read, as well as a sight a Baptist Dr. put together.


  1. I would say a BMI of 25 or less. 30 is considered class 1 obesity. and a BMI between 25 and 29 is still considered overweight and can have detrimental health effects. Saying that, you can be healthy with a BMI over 25. For example, people who lift weights regulary often have a higher BMI because of their increased muscle mass. Muscle being denser than fat they can be "overweight" according to BMI.


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