My Biblical Hero

Many Christians and church goers have a person they "idolize" or is heroic to them. Some like David, others Noah, or Moses. Disciples may be mentioned, or even the Biblical characters you don't read much about like Jabez. However, my Biblical hero is a man most don't think much about, when they hear his name, most moan and groan and a feeling of depression comes over them. Have you guessed it yet? Yepp, Job! Job is one of my favorite books of the Bible. Job went through a lot, and while yes he moaned and groaned too, his character is quite amazing in my opinion.
Many times I have mourned through Job. Hoping to find answers and reassurance. I think to myself surely if God was faithful to Job, and Job was faithful to God, surely I can get through my circumstance. I've heard the saying "If He brought you to it, He'll bring you through it." I think that is what Job learned in his life. What amazes more is the fact that Satan went to the Lord saying he has been watching the whole earth, then the Lord asked Satan if he had considered His servant Job? WOW, God allowed Satan to attack Job. Not because God is mean or, wanted to see Job suffer...NO! God was testing Job to see if he would remain faithful, to see if he would keep his eyes fixed on the one who gives and takes away life. Job did. Yes, Job questioned God, and wished for death. But Job says something later on in the scripture that is one of my favorite verses, Job says, "I know my Redeemer lives."
What I love about Job is the fact that he was a broken man before God. God can do a lot with a broken person. The psalms says that "The sacrifice you want oh God, is a broken and repentant heart, you will not despise." It's when we are broken that God can begin to craft and mold us to look more like Him.
We all experience Job moments; we experience life as Job did. We must learn to live one day at a time without all the answers to life's most challenging questions. We have to trust God no matter what. And that is exactly what Job did, and that is what makes this depressing Bible Character my hero.
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