Another Sleepless Night

So it's 1:53AM here right now, and it's been another night of tossing and turning. I can't sleep. I've not been taking my medicine like I should but, I think my sleeplessness is more than anxiety and not taking my meds. HAHA.
I get so Burdened about things at night. I get to thinking about my age group, and all the young people who are unreached. I think about my church and how I wish so many things would happen. God gives me visions and dreams at night and I can't get them out of my head. I can't turn my mind off!! I often feel like it's a war between good and evil every night. I don't know. I get so pumped up about stuff, and I can't shake the feeling. Everything inside of me wants to explode. Explode toward what? I don't know, everybody!! Christians, where are you? I can't find you in this world! You don't stick out like Jesus wants us too. Churches, where are you? You're not reaching me!! I need you.
I have been thinking about the journey of Paul lately, as he traveled from city to city, walking so many miles, and so many days just to tell others about Jesus. What an incredible ministry Paul had. Wouldn't it be neat to see Christians do something like this? Walk for miles just to see how Paul and others like Paul felt. To experience a deeper more intimate level in the Christian faith. I believe God would bless that effort tremendously! Just walk up and down the streets of your town.
I'm so tired of watching Christ followers be in the middle. Just like the Bible says, you are neither hot nor cold so Jesus says I'm gonna literally puke you out of my mouth. Make a choice...who's team are you on?
I've been so discouraged lately...I've been confused.
I've been angry...I've been annoyed.
I want so bad to see Christians live what they say they believe!
I want so bad for church leaders in my church to stand up for kids, and my generation. Quit reading studies on what percentage is leaving the church, quit looking at statistics, and wonder out loud how to solve it.
ACTION is required!
If somebody doesn't do something quick there is not going to be church come 10-20 years down the road...Why? Because church doesn't put a lot of focus on their future...we wear jeans and flip-flops to church so we must not serve the same God or something. We don't tithe much so the church will exhaust it's budget to see that the senior citizens are comfortable. The church tells me they love me, but do they? Love is an action, if they love me then they will show me that they care, and that my generation is being taught the leadership skills, and who God is, and why what the Bible says matters.
As soon as we start focusing on what God tells us in the Bible, and keeping our eyes on Him and his will; As soon as we quit playing games; As soon as we get serious about reaching others, and taking the focus off of ourselves and what we've done and do, then God can start working. When we just worship. Worship the one who is worthy. Surrender everyday to what God wants everyday. When we lay our lives before Him and say "Wow God, you can do anything. Do with me what you will." or "Teach me Lord." "Show me Lord." "Embarrass me God." "Break me." Know what will happen when we all start submitting to God? My generation will notice, kids will observe and watch, hearts will be made right, enemies will become friends, a REVOLUTION will start....and it starts with me, and you.


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