Decide For Yourself

This little theological workbook has been awesome to work through! Is has challenged me in ways I need to be challenged, and has helped me gain an understanding of so many things. My mom got my brother and I this book a few years ago. I didn't touch it for the longest time, which I think that was okay because sometimes you're just not ready to do things...especially when your parents want you to. HAHA! I don't remember why I put it off. The first of this year I decided I was going to work through it, and what a blessing it has been so far.
Gordon Lewis, wrote this book because like many others he was tired of being told what to believe. The great Christian doctrines are worth thinking through for ourselves, but rather than just telling us what he has found in scripture, he offers this workbook and questions that help us explore the evidence, and to draw our own conclusion.
The material is organized around the themes of the Trinity (God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit), humanity, creation, the church, and the end times. He asks questions such as 'Do all men know of God's creative power, and righteous demands?' ; 'Is God one? many? or triune?' ; 'Is life ultimately pointless or purposeful?' ; 'How could the changeless God, become man?' So those are some pretty deep questions for me, and I have loved finding the answers. Sometimes it takes a while for me to fully interpret it, and understand what they are asking.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle said, "In order to understand anything, we must know not only the material of which it is made, and the agent who made it, but also the purpose he had in making it, and the form he gave it in order to satisfy this purpose." On scientific methods they can describe what exists, but not discover why it exists.
I'm thankful I have the truth, and know it, and treasure it deep in my heart.
I encourage you to go get this book, it is a valuable tool. If you don't need to go through it, tell someone who is seeking answers. We never quite learning, especially when it comes to God. We'll never know everything about him until we are called home.
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