The Music of my Heart
You can say that my life story could be told in the songs I write, it’s very true. As I have written songs, life has happened. Times of trial have come, different emotions from happiness, to sadness, anger, joyfulness, it’s all in the songs I have written. It tells of who I was, but it also includes how God changed me, and how he has been there in every dark place of my life, and how he has brought me through storm after storm. I like the quote Corrie Ten Boom said, "No pit is so deep that He is not deeper still." These songs God has given are full of truth and a power that cannot be moved.
By God we are all given a gift. A certain area of our lives has been enriched and blessed by God to give back to Him in service as a sacrifice of praise. A great place to start using your gift is in your church. Since we are Christ followers are the church, our gifts impact how effective we are towards others in the body of Christ, as well as non-believers. In the Bible, Paul emphasizes on this, he writes in 1 Corinthians 12 that everyone has a special ability. There are some people who are gifted in Prophecy, some teachers, compassion, listening, writing, music etc. etc. the list goes on and on.
Of course you can have more than one gift, but there is always that one gift that you excel in. Some of my gifts include music, teaching, writing, and encouragement. Music, however, is the gift I excel in. Through the gift of music, God has given me many opportunities to share with others His truth and love. He has also given me many songs to write. I decided to write a book to tell the stories behind the songs God has given me. A lot of sleepless nights, tears, aggravations, hurts, and sorrows have flowed out of my heart on to paper, hoping to make sense of everything and find the right path in life.
I believe that in everything I have gone through, God has always fully intended to use it for good. As he has called me into the ministry of working with students as well as music, I think God has allowed me to suffer so I can relate better to the kids he has called me to work with, as well as when I become a mother, sometime in the distant future...scary thought.
So I guess when it comes down to it, what I'm trying to say is, when you are going through something awful, thank the Lord for it. You never know how he will use your circumstances to reach others, maybe even bring them to Jesus, and for heavens sake if it means one more person coming to Jesus, I'm willing to do it all again. My mind keeps going back to my hero, Job. Keep Jesus your cornerstone.
On Christ the Solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!
There is a song Nichole C. Mullins sings called Music of my Heart, listen to the words. beautiful!
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