Passion For Me

Not long after I accepted Jesus as my Savior I wrote a song in 2004 called "Passion For Me" as much as I would love to publish the words on here I don't want to because they are not copyrighted, and it's such a good song I would hate if anybody stole it. Gggrrr!! Anyway. In 2004, Mel Gibson's "The Passion" was in theaters. I saw it and it totally impacted the way I thought about Jesus. To get an idea visually left me dumbfounded. I say idea too because as bad as the Jesus in the movie was beat it probably didn't compare to what our Jesus went through. So this movie moved and inspired me to write something. In watching it I began to realize Jesus’ passion for me. The visual of the beating, rejection, backstabbing, and mockery Jesus took for me, took on a whole new meaning in my mind. It’s incredible that Jesus died for us.
There line in the first verse, “you never gave up on me, until I found it.” Some people might find the sentence confusing. Jesus finished what he came to do on the cross, in John 19:30 Jesus said, “It is Finished!” I feel like Jesus never quit pursing me; he never quit working in my life until I found Him. We were all saved the day Jesus died on the cross, he died for everyone. All we have to do is trust and believe in Him; we don’t deserve such a love or sacrifice but God wants us too.
On my blog here, I have pages that say "Gimmie Jesus" and "My Testimony" if you do not know Jesus I would encourage you to go read these pages and search for this man called "Jesus" He loves you in spite of all you've done, and wants you to take this gift He's given you.
May we all keep seeking Jesus, and fall more and more in love with Him everyday.

"Your Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."


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