Singin' to the Lord

Last Saturday evening, some friends of mine, and I went and visited Elevation Church which is a newly formed more modern church in the area. I was very leery of going there, I had heard some people express their opinion about it, and I also had my own thoughts about it. One thing about these more modern churches is, I feel like they target one age group the 20-late 30's group; Jesus wants us to reach everyone. SO, I finally decided to go and just see for myself what was going on down there. To my surprise I totally loved the whole experience!
When you pull into their parking lot, if you are a first timer you put your flashers on indicating this is your first time, and you are considered their VIP! They park you in a good place, then someone comes to greet you saying they are excited you came and explains what you need to know, and where you need to go. Everyone there made us feel welcome. What I noticed was people serving Jesus, and His church. I noticed young people and older one alike excited to be in church, and fellowshipping with each other.
When we went into the...well I don't know what to call's not a sanctuary to them...the worship center, that's what we'll call it. :) When we went in there, and ushers are there to help seat you. I was telling a friend that I didn't like the music, but that was only because I didn't know the songs and I like to sing when I go to church. But then I got to thinking about that thought. I thunk a thought..haha. Whenever anyone who has never been to church a day in their lives or has maybe just gone on the holidays they don't know many of the songs that we Baptists sing, even the hymns. So, maybe the more I go to Elevation and learn their songs the more I'll like the music. The preaching was excellent! Pastor Steven Furtick is the pastor. He started a new series on David, paralleling his life to the Psalms he wrote, stuff like that turns me on! I love David and Psalms! Afterwards, I got a free shirt, and checked out what kind of Community Groups they had. I would to join one if I had someone to go with.
So, yes, it was a wonderful experience, and I would recommend people try it. I have invited all my friends to go with me. I'm not ashamed of FBCIT, but I know my friends would be more open to going to Elevation. Pretty awesome stuff. We have a new mission statement at our church FBCIT to "Love and lead everyone we meet into an everyday walk with Christ" they didn't say I had to bring them to FBCIT, just to church. Anyway. Church is awesome, if you don't have a church you're missing some pretty awesome stuff.


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed visiting - we moved here over a year ago, and have found a great home in Elevation. We were also from a Baptist background - very different! Keep coming and bringing friends.
    One thing - you mention joining a community group "if you had someone to go with" - I would encourage you to step out in faith, join a group, and go! We have met some of our closest friends as participants (and now leaders) of a group at Elevation. If you're there this weekend, just stop by the orange connections tent, and they'll hook you up.

  2. Thanks, I'm still pretty active in my church FBCIT. I was looking at groups when I visited last Saturday night...I'm kinda busy at the moment, but I'll hope to find one soon.

  3. Cool. You'll be welcomed for whatever is useful to you :)

    Here's the blog of one of our friends who volunteers and attends - she would be a good person for you to connect with there.


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