Take your Position

I started reading a good book last night, that again has been sitting on my shelf unread! I hate myself once I start reading in it, because I'm like how helpful this would have been a few weeks ago when I needed to hear this. It's been under my nose the whole time, it irks me. I'm just not much of a reader, I start off reading books with good intentions to read it all, and I get through 2 chapters and thats all. However, I will come across a really good one like the book I started reading last night. Joyce Meyer "The Battle Belongs to the Lord: Overcoming Life's Struggles Through Worship." I read 3 chapters last night!!! I am in love with this book. I love to read about Worship. So I wanted to share what I gleened from it last night.

She was using the story of Jehoshaphat as an illustration. I love his story, I even used it in the book I'm writing. His story is found in 2 Chronicles 20, you might want to flip there in your Bible just so you get the idea of what is going on. Jehoshaphat is about to go to war, the "ites" were after him. But the cool thing he did was run directly to the throne of God, and was like God I can't do this by myself. So now their about to go to battle and they take their position. What was their position? Worship! Worship was their actual position, and in worshiping they would also be standing still. Standing still is an action in God's book. Because you are waiting on the Lord to move. Worship creates an environment where God can work. What do you think would have happened if Jehoshaphat had started faultfinding, and grumbling? Being negative creates an environment where Satan can work. Just think of Moses and children of Israel, how many years did they wander around? 40! A trip that would have taken 2 weeks 40 years. Why? Because, they were complainers, and we get what we say most of the time. That's pretty scary for most of the women out there who say they are ugly everyday, wow, they're gonna wake up one morning and be REALLY ugly. HAAAHHAA!! I find the funny for some reason. Sorry. But to get back on subject...
As we worship, we remain in position to RECEIVE.
There is a sentence, that can be a sermon in itself.
Jehoshaphat received victory, in fact the "ites" just ended up killing each other.
This also brings back to mind my post about prayer. What if we worshiped more, creating an atmosphere for God to work?
I look forward to reading more in this book, and learning more about Worship, and giving my battles to God, and waiting on Him. There is always something to learn about God. We will never know everything about Him until He comes back for us.
Keep worshiping!!


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