Thank You

Lately I've become more sensitive to the fact of how important it is to thank people. When they do something for us, or you observe them doing something nice for others. Many times the hardest workers are not thanked nearly enough, or told they are appreciated. So I would challenge you to start thanking people...I've been doing this more lately. Sometimes we need to stop a minute and take everything around us in, noticing what others are doing and if they need encouragement. So go ahead make someones day a little happier and express your thankfulness toward them for what they do.
Remember to always thank our Heavenly Father too! Thank Him for this person who works so hard, or does something nice for you. God needs to hear Thank You from us as well.

So on that note....
Thank you for reading this blog and post! :) And Thank you God for the gift of writing and the people who take time to read my little posts that come from my heart through You.


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