He Wore Your Scars

Our church choir that I sing in did a beautiful song this morning called "Open Arms." Since we started learning it, there are certain parts of the song that speak directly to me.
I don't talk about this much, but for some reason the Lord has been wanting me to talk about it. Several years ago I had a problem with cutting myself. It was period of time in my life when I hated everything. I guess just typical teenage hormonal stuff I don't know. But I cut myself. Nothing I'm very boastful or proud of, my only prayer, and hope that will come of it is that I can minister to others dealing with this problem. Today I still have scars on my wrist. Every time I look at my wrist I am reminded of that time...sometimes I hate it, but I never forget where God brought me from. He pulled me out of the pit and planted me on Christ the Solid Rock on which I stand.
So anyway, back to the song part of all this. There is a line in the song: "There is a Savior who wore all your scars, when he hung on the cross with open arms. Open arms are inviting you to come, calling you to run into loves embrace the shelter of redeeming grace, there it doesn't matter what you've done, just run into his open arms." I might have messed some words up, but that's the jist of it.
Scars can be literal or a figure of speech like "scars on my heart" from someone hurting you. Our Savior wore those scars already. I guess the thought that has been pressing me most is, cutters cut themselves to help their pain, and there are other reasons too. But whatever your pain maybe, for heavens sake give it to Jesus!! That's why he died. It doesn't matter what you've done, where you've been, who you hang out with or how you dress, God's arms are open for you to run into. I've done some pretty bad stuff in my life, but God met me where I was and changed me! He took my pain, and shame, and He covered it with His love and blood. Ah, What a Savior! Perfect Lover.


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