One Night with the King

I have been singing this song all day!! One of our soloist at church did this song one Sunday morning not to long ago. I find it to be a very convicting song, full of love, hope, and so much truth. One night with the King truly does change everything.

There is a movie out there called "One Night With the King" I don't know if this song has anything to do with that movie, I would like to see it. I do know the movie is about Esther, a young girl who rises from peasant to Queen by going against the culture and seeking the Kings heart rather than the riches of the kingdom. This is a story that all of life is under God's command.
What amazes me in the story of Esther is how once again God has His hand on His chosen people, the Jews. This story can also relate to our personal spiritual lives. When we encounter our King, Jesus, our lives are changed. One night with Jesus changes the whole course of our lives. Just like with Esther and King Xerxes, He fell in love with her instantly and her life was changed.
There are many more lessons we can learn from Esther. But the main one that has been going through my mind today is One Night with my King changes everything in life.
Have you had this kind of experience? I sure hope so. If not, click on my page "Gimmie Jesus" and read how you can experience a night with the King.

This is my testimony.
From the desert, to the king;
It had been my destiny,
To be chosen, for such a time as this.
I didn't know that all my dreams,
Could become realities,
Then I saw his face
And his love captured me.


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