Story of a Lifetime

One of my favorite subjects in school is English; especially since college it has grown on me A LOT! Writing is a passion of mine, obviously. So, I’m always brainstorming ideas, free writing, and all that stuff. Last night I was asked the question: “Has God planned the culmination of History?” My answer to that was yes. However, before I drew any conclusions I visited some places in the Bible and brainstormed what I thought the “culmination” or the climax of History has been in Biblical terms. So I have drawn a diagram in paint so I could share it with you on here. In fact many diagrams could be drawn. In this one I have outlined events leading up to the climax, and what ultimately will be the Resolution. We’re all living in one big story. I would kind of like to do a little series on what I’ve started here. This all evolved in my closet….I spend so much time in here thinking and brainstorming things. I don’t have a name for what I want to call it. There is so much to be learned. I hope we always realize that. We don’t know everything about Jesus, or the Bible. No matter how educated you are, you can’t possibly know everything about our Supernatural God! Even John states in his book of John chapter 21:25, that if all the Jesus did was recorded in books the whole world could not contain them. So if they whole world cannot contain all Jesus has done, how can our minds even begin to hold it? Pretty amazing!
So, on that note, let’s get started on what my mind has brainstormed and what the scriptures say in the story that we are living as we speak.
-The Initial conflict that we first read of in the Bible is found in Isaiah 14:12-15; this going back to pre-creation. “How you are fallen from heaven, O shining star, son of the morning! You have been thrown down to the earth…For you said to yourself, ‘I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God’s stars…I will climb the highest heavens and be like the Most High.”’ So a few things about this verse, stars in this verse are referring to Angels. Satan was an Angel in Heaven. So because He wanted to be like God, if not mightier, no longer wanting to be under His authority, God just threw him out of Heaven. God said that Satan will be brought down to the place of the dead, down to its lowest depths (a.k.a- Hell).
-The Increasing Conflict I believe is Adam and Eve to Jesus’ death on Cross. God created a perfect world in 6 literal days. Days as we understand days to be today. After God finished creating, He saw that it was very good. Then Satan shows his bad self again, tempting Eve to eat the forbidden FRUIT of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Now may I take a moment to point out that Eve is portrayed as eating an apple in many paintings and somehow we now associate Eve with apple’s. In scripture it does not say anything about an apple, it clearly says fruit. I don’t know what kind of fruit, but my guess is it doesn’t exist today because that was back when the world was perfect, it became un-perfect when she took a bite and offered Adam some. The Bible says in Genesis 3:7 “At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness.” On in the chapter God places curses on man, woman, and Satan. Then picking up in verse 21, it says that “the Lord God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife, Eve.” What kind of animal do you think God used to make clothes for Adam and Eve? I believe it was a lamb. That’s a picture of Salvation isn’t it? Jesus is the Lamb of God who ultimately died on the cross shedding his blood for the sins of the World! From the first time man sinned and on through the Old Testament, even into first part of the New Testament.
-CLIMAX: I believe the burial and resurrection is the climax of the story we live in. Several radical things happened from when Jesus died to His resurrection. First off, when Jesus breathed his last breath, the curtain in the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom, which means we have direct contact with the Father. Before, only Priests and really Holy people were only allowed to enter the Temple on behalf of their people. When the curtain tore everyone had the privilege to talk to God. Also, when Jesus died he went to Hell. This is a very controversial issue, but I believe it, and this is my blog. Why did Jesus go to Hell? When Jesus died he died sinful because he took all the worlds sin on himself. But that is not the only reason He went to Hell. Ultimately, Jesus went to Hell to conquer death, and Satan. 1 Corinthians 15:21 says, “So you see, just as death came into the world through a man, Adam, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another man, Christ Jesus.” So the climax has already happened. So our story is wrapping up.
-The Focusing Conflict now I believe is non-believers. Between Jesus’ resurrection and the Resolution we’ll get to in a few is all about witnessing to those who have never heard the gospel, or don’t believe. That is our commission from Jesus, and is one of our many purposes here in Earth. We were made to Love Jesus first and foremost, but we were also made to tell others about Him.
-The Resolution is basically what the entire book of Revelation talks about. From the Rapture of the church to Satan being cast into the lake of fire, which is eternal damnation.

So in the verses I listed, above in my awesome picture I drew, these verses stress that God has a plan, and what He plans, it will come to pass. We’re experiencing it right now!!


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