
"Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life."
-Philippians 4:6-7 THE MESSAGE

I have a bad case of anxiety. I have anxiety attacks frequently over various things. I've prayed that God would release me from my anxiety, and that I would submit to the releasing as well. Anxiety is a sin you know. It's not preached on or taught a lot, which I think it should be because a lot of people struggle with it. Do you realize what we say to God when we worry? We tell God...well lets stop here first, a thought just came to me. #1 we don't need to be telling God anything, we don't need to remind Him of our struggles or short comings. He knows our struggles, and He's forgot our short comings. Back to what I was going to say, when we worry, or have anxiety attacks, we tell God, "You can't help me. I don't trust you, God." It's true! It's an awful thing to say, and think but that is exactly the way we come across. Why do we worry so much?! Especially when we are in the arms of a loving caring God! My Savior who knows everything about me, who died for me, who loves me, who loves me more than anyone could ever love me. If you read Matthew 6:25-34 it says to not worry. Look at the birds, consider the lilies, if God takes care of them, why wouldn't he take care of you? Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about it's self. I love this passage! I read it a lot.
It's great when we sing songs to Our God. We sing How Great is Our God! But do we really mean it? To an extent, yes, we might. But do we apply the lyrics to our lives, do we believe what we sing? How Great is our God! I tend to think way to much about creation and nature when I sing, and God was great when we created nature.
But, maybe I need to think How Great God was when He created me, and in creating me He knew everything I needed. He is great because He knows my name. I would go as far as to say, we lie to Jesus when we sing to Him, or maybe it's just a habit, or motion life has brought to where we don't even think about that we sing, or take it to heart. Yes, Jesus, You are my Awesome God...however, I don't think you're awesome enough to calm my nerves when I'm facing a challenge or something scary.
This is all just something to think about. I sure am trying to trust God more with my life. To let him have all my anxiety and depression. I love Jesus, and strive to be all He wants me to be. And I hope you, who are reading this blog feel the same way about yourself; that you keep striving to be more like Jesus, and be all HE wants you to be.
As I strive, I just continue to sing my favorite songs and apply them to my life. All to Jesus, I Surrender, and Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.


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