The Bible in 90 Days

Is anyone up to the challenge? I'm looking forward to this adventure, and I hope you will maybe join me in reading through the Bible in 90 days. I have always desired to read through the entire Bible in a year, so I pray that as I start this challenge that I'll be able to do it. Find someone who will hold you accountable, or if your just that good and don't need someone like that...well you must be very blessed because I need someone always to help me, and encourage me.

Are you ready? Alright! Here we go!!

I will make a new page called, "Bible in 90 Days" so you can visit there daily and see what to read. And if you don't want to do the study you can still look over there and see whats up anyway. I believe this challenge will encourage the discouraged, and give us a new hunger for the word. If you're like me, it's hard to read the Bible everyday. So I think if we can plow through and see what the Bible contains it will renew a desire in us to read it, as well as develop a habit.

I'm really excited about this challenge, and I will be praying for you as you do this with me. I would suggest you pray before reading everyday that God would strengthen, and teach you in these next 90 days. We will start Sunday 06.20.10, however, I will go ahead a make the page tonight with all the information if you want to get a head start. God Bless! E-mail me, let me know how your doing, I'll do my best to encourage you. ;)


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