Critical Monster

God is convicting me today, who is praying for me!! Oh my word. Wheew!
I realize that sometimes I am very critical of people, and look at the devotion for My Utmost For His Highest, "Beware of Criticizing Others." guilty. I have these expectations from people. Especially at school. I see going to school as a privilege and I get so aggravated when people don't take it as seriously as I do. I become critical of church at times. I never saw it as being judgmental though, but that is exactly what it is. I have been in such a critical mood lately, Oswald Chambers says when we get that way, "It is impossible to enter into fellowship with God when you are in a critical mood." That really bites...yikes!
I was reading in Nehemiah 9:3 "The Book of the Law of the Lord their God was read to them for 3 hours. Then for three more hours they took turns confessing their sins and worshiping the Lord their God." I was very moved by this verse. Now, I don't know if I could handle someone reading me the Bible for 3 hours straight, I would need some food, and coke to keep me awake. But, how cool to be in the presence of our brothers and sisters in Christ confessing to each other our shortcomings, and failures. I think you become more real to the other person when you can open up like that. All of a sudden we realize we don't have any place to criticize each other, but rather encourage and build each other up. Just like when we are together and study God's word in church, the alter call is meant for confession. Reading and studying God's word should precede confession because God can show us where we are sinning. So my patience still needs work, but I am glad I have been convicted of this, and for the people who pray for me. I am thankful that even though I act monsterous they still love me. So ya'll keep praying for me, and I'm praying for you!
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