
"The person who wishes to boast should boast only of what the Lord has done."
1 Corinthians 1:31

Tonight I have experienced a healing that I have been praying about, and struggling with accepting for years. A huge weight has been lifted and a purity about me has been restored. God is so good, and I'm so thankful for his grace and cleansing.
I don't want to go to far into details, I feel like I've been unleashing my bad side on here, but I have felt like God has led me to share what I've been through because there may be someone reading this post that has been through some of the same things. As long as I have little piece of the internet I'm going to do all I can to encourage people, to speak words of hope, and quote scripture and post songs and speak of songs that have changed my life. God doesn't give me a trial to do by myself, he doesn't give you a trial to go through by yourself. So if he brings healing, you better believe I'm gonna be shoutin' about it, in praise to my heavenly Father for it.
I can't figure out how to put into words, or explain in a generic way what I have dealt with. It's not exactly something you post everywhere. Like I have said before I am open about my life, but this is has been a struggle that has been buried deep. I have longed to talk to someone about it, but haven't had the stomach or emotional strength to talk about it. I have a peace about what happened, and a peace to talk about it and things relating to it after several years. As a 21 year old that is a very freeing feeling. God has poured his living water over me and has renewed me in a way that I have longed to be renewed for years. It says in Isaiah 40:31 that "Those who wait on the Lord will find new strength, they will fly high on wings as Eagles. They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint." Strong is our Fathers hand!
Isaiah chapters 49-51 are what I call power chapters. I read these chapters often. They talk about who we are in Christ and how He protects and uses us. You should read them sometime.
God is our healer, I just posted a few days ago about "The Healer" so I will say again whatever you are facing there is nothing God can't restore. Run to his arms! They are wide open. The Healer is alive.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this healing you have brought, I pray that if there is anyone reading this that needs a healing in their life that you would fill them now with your love, power, and grace...that you would speak healing words into their life, and that they would trust you and run to your arms. We rest in the joy of who you are, your beauty fills us, we find in you a quiet place to pillow our head when we are weary and beaten down. Restore strength to all who are reading this. Lavish your love on them. Watch over your child, bless and guide them. In their heart instill a peace that passes all understanding. We love you Jesus. Thank you for who you are, and for being everything we need. In your Name we pray.


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