Praying for Others

When I pray for people, especially the ones I love and hold very dear in my heart, I like to see their faces. So, recently our church did a directory and every morning I will pull it out and look up the people I pray for. I also made a little photo album of all my family, and I'll flip through it and pray for my family.
I love the people God has placed in my life. They make my life better. I love praying for them, because I know they are praying for me, and even if they didn't pray for me, I would still love to pray for them.
There is so much power when we pray in our Saviors name, we all face so many struggles and issues. We don't understand at times what God is doing. But when we call on His name all things become possible, and we feel His peace in our lives. I am where I am today because of the consistent prayers my family and friends prayed on my behalf.

I'm praying for you.


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