Today I Am Thankful For.....

I am thankful for the people God places in my life, from a person I spend a brief moment with to someone I come to know and love for a long period of time, perhaps a lifetime. Each person I come in contact with is my chance through Jesus to show them His love, as well as my love; not to judge them but love them for who they are because that is what Jesus would have done. I will try to be the Christian example God has called me to be and not mess up, however, from time to time I will loose my footing and fall. But even in those downfalls my life still ministers to people because God shows me grace and forgiveness showing those around me that He is still at work today.
I don't deserve anything I have today. All that I have has come from Gods very hands, and as surely as He has given, He can also take away. The tests and trials I have gone through are refining my character and my strength for the real battle: Satans attack.
I am always thankful for the chance to share Gods love with others. I'm thankful that my help comes from the Lord.


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