Does Anybody hear Her?

Every time I hear this song I get chills and become so convicted. So many different emotions run through my mind and heart; feelings of sorrow, anger, hurt, confusion. I relate to this song because I've been the girl in the song, hidden under the shadow of the steeple fighting for my life...confused, lost, afraid. I wonder how many people we encounter at church Sunday morning who are crying out to us and we don't even realize it. Sometimes we get so involved in ourselves, though we hold the hope within us, and totally overlook the one who needs that very hope. We judge. But what we forget is we are just as filthy in our sin as the prostitute that comes to church. Yes, granted we have been cleansed with the blood of Christ. But when we judge we question that same blood of Jesus that covers us as to whether or not Jesus could truly love and save someone who doesn't look like us. Yes He can!
So I guess my hearts cry in this post is don't let someone slip through you, whether you are at church, out to eat...wherever you are there is someone who needs to hear about Jesus and experience His love. How thankful I am for the people who heard my cry for help and led me, and keep leading me back to Jesus.
I would encourage you to pray with someone...give a word of encouragement...just smile if nothing else. You could be the answer to someones prayer, don't miss that opportunity! Love them like Jesus, you'll be blessed. Really when it comes down to it, we are all fighting a battle we all need an encouraging word. Just don't overlook the ones who really need it, the ones who don't cling to Jesus or know of Him at all. Love the ones who are hard to love. Jesus does. How much it must hurt Him when we overlook his children.


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