Fill Me

Since posting here this morning about what I was thinking, I have thought some more today about everything. Maybe I'm asking myself all the wrong questions. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong part of the Bible. Here is where my thoughts have lead me.

What does Jesus think of me? What is He saying of me? Who am I in Him? How do others see me? Does what I do affect other people? What is my testimony? Where is God leading me? How is God using me now?

Jesus loved me enough to purchase me with His blood, and though I'm a sinner, he saved me and rescued me through his blood because I was worth it. I am His treasure, His masterpiece. He has created me anew in Christ Jesus. He is the lifter and sustainer of my head, one who never sleeps and watches over me.

I am a leader. A leader to students, and leader in Worship, and a leader to a lost world around me because I contain the Truth. I hold what the world seeks in my heart. Can I possibly think about drinking when who I need to minister to might be struggling with a drinking problem? Can they see past a beer bottle or a glass of wine to see Jesus in me? No! Can a person struggling with wanting to quit smoking see past the cigarette in my own mouth, and see Hope that lives in me? No!

I am held to a higher standard. Because people know Jesus dwells in me the issue goes deeper than your body being a temple, your body is a light to a lost and hopeless world. What are we commissioned to do? Go and tell!! Be a light!! Don't conform to what everybody else is doing, God called you to a higher standard, to be hope in someone else's life. To show them to correct path, and not do the wrong path with them. It's just like I said in a few posts ago, Go to a bar and tell people about Jesus, you can order a coke but don't order a beer. The goal is to look different.

God is leading me to the field of ministry. My testimony has to be credible, it has to have worth to it. Lost people aren't going to listen necessarily if I'm telling it and have a reputation to drink and smoke every once in a while, the word HYPOCRITE will flow from the their lips simultaneously. I can say God saved me from getting drunk, and getting high, and smoking, but if I still do those things what is that saying of the Lord to them? When God rescues us he transforms us, so much that we become a reflection of Jesus. Psalm 119:1-8

You're blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God.
You're blessed when you follow his directions,
doing your best to find him.
That's right—you don't go off on your own;
you walk straight along the road he set.
You, God, prescribed the right way to live;
now you expect us to live it.
Oh, that my steps might be steady,
keeping to the course you set;
Then I'd never have any regrets
in comparing my life with your counsel.
I thank you for speaking straight from your heart;
I learn the pattern of your righteous ways.
I'm going to do what you tell me to do;
don't ever walk off and leave me.

When we walk, our steps need to fall in his steps. How does Jesus walk? Read the Bible! You want to know God? Read what He wrote for you. Does he want you to drink? I don't know, read the Bible. Just because I can't, doesn't mean you can't. Ask yourself the same questions I've had to ask myself today. I've wrestled with the issue for a while now, and I am glad I have finally settled in my heart what I need to do as a child of God The King, and who I am on this earth.

I'm blessed to have people in my life who love me, and hold me accountable and challenge me with thoughts, who direct me toward better things and encourage me. God is so good...he knows what our needs are. He knows what we struggle with. He fills our needs with exactly what we need, whether its in the form of people..whatever we need...sometimes we need to be filled with Him.

In going through my granddaddies Bible one day, which is such a treasure. I love to look through other peoples Bibles, because you see their life being lived out in their Bible. I love to read their notes and what God revealed to them about a certain passage. Anyway. So as I was going through his Bible 2 or 3 years ago, I found something he wrote on a piece of paper that spoke to me. It has inspired how I live my life, and a song. Here is what he wrote:

5:30 AM, 9/18/83

Lord, fill me with your Holy Spirit, so that:
1. I can love and praise God like I ought to.
2. I can be the witness I ought to be.
3. My service can be in the power of God like it ought to be.
4. I can be the husband and father I ought to be.
5. I can be a testimony before the world that I ought to be.
6. Every area of my life can glorify and exalt Jesus like it ought to.
7. I can love my brothers and sisters in Christ like I ought to.

If we can strive to do these few things my granddaddy strived to do in his last few years of life it would make a difference in our lives. We would know how to live powerful through the Holy Spirit and change the world!!

"Search me, Oh God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life."
Psalm 139:23-24


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